Saturday, November 7, 2009

BP6_20091102_Masher-Web 2.0 Tool in the Classroom


I can see how this tool could be used across the board in education! From music classes to English class, teachers could use this Web 2.0 tool to enhance student learning.

Masher is a tool that allows you to mix videos and photos with music. Being a music educator, this would be a great tool for students to use for many different assignments. Lets say the class is focusing on music from the Baroque Period to the Modern Era. The assignment is for the student to create a chronological video on the music and composers from the Baroque Period to the Modern Era. I would then introduce them to Masher and show them how to use pictures of composers and clips of music to create a video. This would be a fun assignment and also teach students the different periods of music and composers. And this would also be great way for students to hear the progression of each composer’s unique sound.

In addition to teaching the musical timeline of music, Masher could also be used to share the life and works of celebrities and popular bands or artists. Students could take a single artist and use Masher to show the career of that artist. Students could use early photos and music of the artist and continue through his/her career and finish the video with the latest photos and music of that artist.

Or….students could take a certain genre and list many different artists that are associated with that particular genre.

Masher could also be used in many other ways. Students could even come up with their own idea on how to use this great tool!

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