Sunday, November 8, 2009

BP10_20091102_Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking

I feel a little behind with Social Bookmarking. Before bookmarking I was always adding sites to my Favorites. Now that I know about Delicious I will continue to use it to organize all my favorite sites.

After reading and researching on educational uses on Social Bookmarking, I decided that this is DEFINITELY something that I can use in the classroom. Now that I think about it, what did we use before we had Delicious?

We are surrounded by technology and computers, so it only seems natural to begin to use social bookmarking in education. Social Bookmarking can redefine the ways that we communicate information to each other. According to the Department of Education site, social bookmarking allows users to store, classify, share and search for links to online content. One of the features that I really like about social bookmarking is the ability to tag a site. Tagging a site is the ability to label a website. This can become very handy in education. Teachers that use the internet and websites in the classroom will be able to use this tools quite a bit. Because of this labeling tool, teachers can have the capability of grouping certain links together that have similar subjects. This will give students easy access to the sites they need for research or education purposes. Through Delicious, users can also create groups that can share bookmarks with each other. states that the fun part of the whole thing is that you can add friends or create a network of peers who are joined together by common interests. And another great point is that you are able to research other sites that your group members were able to research. Thus allowing for a more knowledgeable and well-rounded network. Although we are using Delicious for the ETC class, there are more age appropriate social bookmarking tools on the web. The Education World website states that Delicious is free and easy to use, but because there is no filter its more appropriate for educators than students. If I plan to use social bookmarking in the classroom, I am going to have to search for one with a filter on it.

What a great tool and a fantastic way to organize sites!


(2009). Department of education. Retrieved on

November 7, 2009 from


Eby, G. (2008, August 19). Social bookmarking
education. Retrieved on November 7, 2009

from bookmarking-

Jackson, L. (2009, June 5). Education world. Retrieved
on November 7, 2009 from /sites080.shtml

1 comment:

  1. Xavier, I would love to hear about your discoveries with the filters for younger students! Great voice in your writing..."Now that I think about it, what did we use before we had Delicious?"
